Thu, Mar

Rake-Free Tournaments Introduced at Party Poker


Rake Free at Party PokerOnline gaming sites are at the present moment falling over backwards in order to beat the competition that is taking place by offering special promotions.  The best promotion at present appears to be the one taking place at Party Poker.

Party Poker has announced that for a limited period it will be removing the rake charge for all its multi table tournaments which will result in all fees that were previously being charged going straight into the prize pool for players.

“This is the first time in the industry that all multi-table tournaments will be completely rake- free” according to a statement issued by Party Poker.

A statement issued by Party Poker said  “Fees being waived on multi-table tournaments is just another reason why there has never been a better time to play at Party Poker in a secure environment where prompt payments are guaranteed whether you are a micro or high-stakes player.  We will continue this outstanding value promotion for as long as we can.  We are already pleased with the positive response to this move that we have seen from the poker community.”

Party Poker will also be running a special freeroll tournament on Sunday, August 7th offering players a whopping $100K prize.