Thu, Mar

Labrokes Poker Makes Switch to Microgaming Network


After several months of planning, Ladbrokes Poker is finally making the official switch to the Microgaming poker network on Tuesday.

The site is already planning major promotions to celebrate the move, including one of the most lucrative competitions running at the moment, the $1 Million Rake Race that will keep awarding prizes to players until April at least. The downside, of course, is that the Microgaming network does not allow players from the US for the time being.

“The heart and soul of Ladbrokes Poker will remain - with some necessary enhancements to boost its vitality”, said Edward Ihre of Ladbrokes Poker, “As such, players can rest assured, that the unrivaled security, reliability and trust that are synonymous with the Ladbrokes brand will continue to be of the utmost priority in our delivery and commitment to our customers.”