Fri, Mar

Online Poker Players Offered Super Challenge


Poker players who ever dreamed of appearing on the front cover of Bluff Magazine may very well have their wish come true.The publication recently launched the Bluff Online Poker Challenge, essentially offering players the opportunity to build up a bankroll from $200 by playing in multi player tournaments and sit and gos at an online poker room. The challenge will run from March 1 for a 30 day period, and players may not take part in cash games as part of the challenge’s policy.

“We wanted to find a way to recognize the best players online and give them a real challenge,” said co-founder of Bluff Magazine, Eric Morris. “By putting the winner on the cover of Bluff, we're not only recognizing the achievement but also giving the players something to play for.”

Top names in the online poker industry have already indicated their willingness to participate.