Sat, Feb

Facebook Allowing Advertisements from Online Casinos


Facebook logoFacebook, currently the most popular social networking website, has changed some of their advertising guidelines and is starting to allow online casinos to post advertisements on the website.

The social networking website is now giving casino websites, lotteries, poker websites, sports’ betting websites as well as several other gambling organizations to advertise their sites on Facebook.

Facebook did not allow online casinos to advertise on the social networking website in the past but it is now giving more industries an opportunity to advertise on the website in an attempt to increase their revenue.

Online gambling websites will, however, be compelled to follow certain rules before Facebook will allow them to advertise on the website.

The number one rule that online gambling websites will have to follow is that they must always follow the local laws in the area.  Authorization and consent will first need to be approved by Facebook before online gambling websites can make use of the social networking website in order to advertise their sites.

Advertisements promoting sports booking, poker, online gambling, lotteries, bingo and other games of skill and chance will only be allowed in the countries that first have authorization from Facebook.

Online casino advertisements may not target the United States as online gambling is illegal in that country.