Thu, Feb

Prima Networks to Launch Neomobile


Prima Networks NeomobileThe Italian market currently has 50 million mobile users out of which 11 million are mobile surfers. It therefore stands to reason that mobile gambling will be the next step due to the online gambling regulation now in place.

Prima Networks, the leading games provider, has announced that the Neomobile Group will be launching the first Italian mobile gaming operation through its Neomobile Gaming Division.

The partnership between Neomobile and Microgaming will be a great benefit to them as they will have a ready available suit of AAMS certified casino games chosen from over 150 of Microgaming’s titles.  Neomobile Gaming will also be offered a speedy mobile gaming platform through the game integration of Microgaming powered QuickFire.

Francesco Postiglione, Managing Director of Neomobile Gaming stated that since having signed the agreement with Prima Networks Ltd in January 2011 to provide them with AAMS-compliant casino software and a suite of mobile games, they have been working hard in order to ensure that their offering is the most complete and competitive in the Italian market.  He added that QuickFire’s uncomplicated integration together with premium content from Microgaming made the decision to partner with Prima Networks very easy and they are looking forward to a long and successful working relationship.