Sat, Feb

eCOGRA Releases Dispute Resolution Statistics


Dispute Resolution Statistics from eCOGRAAs one of the staunchest authorities on the online casino industry, eCOGRA releases dispute resolution statistics bi-annually in order to ensure transparency within the online gambling world.

Due to the fact that the organization aims for a low complaint ratio from its affiliate casinos, Tex Rees, eCOGRA’s Fair Gaming Advocate, was delighted to announce that the complaint ratio sat at a very low 0.5%. To top it all off, most of these complaints received were dealt with within three days of being lodged.

Rees was wholly satisfied with the fact that all affiliate casinos cooperated fully with eCOGRA, making the compilation of the report quick and relatively hassle free. However, as honest as the casino industry is trying to be, there nevertheless exist a handful of players who attempt to bypass the terms and conditions of their chosen online casinos. This information sharing is important to ensure that online casinos work together.

The most common complaints received by customers were cash-in problems (41%), followed by bonus issues (23%) and locked accounts (21%). All this information is vital in ensuring that eCOGRA’s accreditation seal of “Safe and Fair” is met on a regular basis and that online casinos not living up to this name do not bring the others into disrepute.