Sat, Feb

Australian State to Ban Gambling Inducements


Immediately after the Race and Gaming Minister of Western Australia lifted the ban on advertising, gambling companies proceeded to market their products in the state.

Western Australia has, however, recently proposed legislation in an endeavor to put a stop to any adverts which offer players free bets at online sites which operate within the territory. It is felt that these adverts encourage players to open gambling accounts.

New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia are also trying to curb this sort of advertising.

“I firmly believe that offering free bets as an inducement to gambling is highly inappropriate and the guidelines will prohibit this practice” said Waldron. “This is a responsible gambling issue and the State Government takes its responsibilities in this regard very seriously”.

Many online gambling companies who operate within Western Australia territory have now voluntarily stopped the practice of offering free bets due to the government’s strong disapproval and the minister is trying to encourage more gambling operators to follow their action before they are forced to do so by legislation.

The minister stated “Cabinet has approved these amendments to be included in the race fields legislation that will establish a requirement for Australian wagering operators to pay for the Western Australia racing product they use in their gambling business”