Fri, Jan

Are US Casinos Legal?


It is getting better for US players that love to play casino games and poker online. They still have to make special efforts to find legal US casinos but these are becoming more plentiful. It also looks as if more online casinos based in the USA will be able to open up. It all depends on each State’s legislation and how they perceive the federal laws that concern money that is being transferred to online gambling sites.

Legal US casinos

The term legal US casino doesn’t mean that the casino is open for any American player that wishes to play there. To play in a legal US casino the player has to be a resident of one of the American States which allows for gambling online. This is not as straightforward as one might think. While the actual gambling might be allowed the State could very well go by the federal law and make efforts to stop money transactions to online casino.

Problems with payment methods

Since the issue is mostly one of payment and deposit methods the American players should focus on this area. Rather than asking which casino is a legal US casino they should look at what payment methods they can use for casino gaming online. If a casino is announced as legal for the State in which the player lives he can focus on how to fund the gaming and not worry about problems or getting caught. However, any casino can say that they are a legal US casino so it is very important to check the credentials of the place not to get into unexpected troubles after having made a deposit into the casino account.

Who will pay for the crime?

In most States in America players run a very small risk of being persecuted for having gambled online. The payment processors and banks are much more in focus which is why they do their best to stop any payments to online casinos. It is still very important to check what goes in the State that you live in. There have been cases where individual players were fined big amounts for having bet with real money in online casinos.

New gambling laws on the way

Many States are trying to work out ways to make casino games and poker online legal. Some of them are afraid of getting into trouble for crossing the federal laws but new thinking has appeared on the scene and therefore it is highly likely that more and more States will make online gambling legal. The key to this change lies in that they provide the online casinos from the actual State. This benefits both the players and the State which gains lots of extra tax money from the gambling.

There are legal US casinos online but you have to check carefully that the casino is legal in the specific State where you live before you start betting with money.