Sun, Feb

Increased Interest in Online Bingo in U.K.


It has been reported by the U.K. Gambling Commission that even though Britain has seen a large number of land-based bingo clubs closing down there has not been a decrease in revenues for the bingo operators.

Many players have opted to visit live bingo action sites and chat rooms rather than having to have the inconvenience and expense of travelling to the land-based bingo clubs and it is therefore no wonder that out of the 675 land-based bingo clubs in the country, only 641 have survived to this year.

Bingo players are quite prepared to forfeit the social aspect of gathering in halls to play bingo for the convenience of playing in the safety and comfort of their own homes where they can still continue to chat to friends while playing their favorite bingo.

Gala Bingo and Mecca Bingo who are two major gaming operators controlling many land-based bingo halls in Britain now face stiff competition from online bingo operators.  The ban on smoking and the increase in taxes has made the situation even worse and they have no option but to switch their attention to online gambling and to use all means to attempt to attract players to their web sites.