Thu, Feb

Schwaiger Wins Two Titan Satellites


Most poker players would be happy to win a free entry to one poker mega tournament. But the 21-year-old Australian, Michael Schwaiger has just won two of them. Playing online satellite tournaments on the Internet poker room Titan Poker, Schwaiger won free seats for the Sun City Million Dollar Poker Tournament in South Africa and the Titan Poker $2.5 Million Guaranteed Tournament.

The Sun City Million Dollar Tournament prize fetches Schwaiger the $10,000 buy-in to the tournament, $2,500 for the return airfare and all paid for accommodations at the Palace of the Lost City Hotel for 7 nights. It also entitles him to a round of golf, free entry to the spa for a week and free entry to the “Let There Be Rock” show. This is Africa’s largest poker tournament.

The Titan Poker $2.5 Million Guaranteed Tournament is the biggest tournament hosted by the poker room. It is scheduled for the 7th of September. Though this tournament has a direct buy-in of $1,580, Schwaiger paid only $2.95 for the but-in to the satellite tournament that he won.