Fri, Mar

Games Developer Sues New York Lottery


A small games developer company, the Gameologist Group LLC is suing the New York Lottery for alleged trademark infringement. The lawsuit, which also claims that Scientific Games Inc. was involved, accuses the two for stealing a game that was developed and patented by Gameologist Group.

The group approached the NY Lottery with its ‘Bling Bling’ game but was turned down, saying that the game was “too ethnic”. The company claims that the Lottery then created a near replica of the game in its Bada Bling lottery game.

"This small company is due millions of dollars under the Lanham Act," said the Gameologist Group’s lawyer, Craig Stuart Lanza. "This case is about two large companies stealing a small business's protected property, believing, wrongly, that Gameologist would not have the means to sue. We look forward to pushing this case to trial to obtain justice for Gameologist, and to give large companies pause before they try stealing intellectual property developed by small, hard working companies simply trying to pursue the American dream."