Thu, Feb

Red Flush Online Casino Celebrates Birthday With Cash Prize


Red Flush online casino will be celebrating their first year by offering wonderful prizes over a period of two months.  Patrons of Red Flush will be offered cash and gifts of up to $100,00 and will also be able to partake in a tournament lasting two months.

There will be lots of prizes as well as free spins given to players at this tournament that commences on 1st June.

Red Flush online casino are providing this wonderful feast in appreciation of their customers’ valued support during the past  year without which they would not have been as successful. The prizes for the tournament will be awarded each week during the months of June and July.

Red Flush online casino has grown so much during the year that it has been necessary for them to employ new employees to handle the increasing amount of patrons.  Their success during the past year has been instrumental in them being able to offer such great cash prizes, tournaments and free spins on many of their games.

Although it is very unusual for a winner to take two jackpots on two different games, one lucky player at Bodog Online Casino actually won $17,035 on two jackpots by playing at Bodog casino with two different games.