Thu, Feb

Kentucky Governor Declares War on Online Gambling


The Governor of the State of Kentucky, Steve Beshear has won a court case to seize control of 141 domain names of online gambling sites in order to protect local gambling interests.

Beshear has justified his outrageous actions by claiming that online casinos such as DoylesRoom, Full Tilt Poker Poker and even software companies such as Microgaming, were ‘blood suckers’.

The Poker Players Alliance issued an angry message to Beshear and said: "The Poker Players Alliance is outraged at the actions taken by Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and the Franklin County Circuit Court to seize the domain names of internet gambling websites. We believe this action not only unduly restricts the freedom of Kentucky residents to play games of skill, such as poker, online, but sets a precedent of censorship of the internet by force."