Thu, Mar

Pub Fruity Stars in 32 Red Mobile's New Releases


Among the new game releases announced by 32 Red Mobile this week, players will be pleased to see an all-time British favorite – fruities. 32 Red Mobile’s Pub Fruity, especially designed by Microgaming, brings players all the fun of this traditional slots game, including classic fruit machine symbols, trails and multiplier bonuses.

In addition to Pub Fruity, 32 Mobile Red has also released 3 Card Poker, with the exciting Pair Plus and Ante Bets, as well as entertaining scratch cards to add to its excellent mobile gaming portfolio.

"32Red Mobile is going from strength to strength this year and we’re delighted at its progress. Mobile Pub Fruity and Mobile 3 Card Poker are sure to be very popular and we’re positive players of these games online will enjoy the convenience of playing them on their mobile phones," said Mobile Project Manager for 32Red, Jaydeep Chakravartty this week.