Thu, Feb

Founder of Bodog Calls on Gaming Industry to Help Haiti


The founder of Bodog online gaming and entertainment, Calvin Ayre, has challenged all Internet gambling leaders to help the relief efforts in Haiti following the devastating earthquake which decimated it.

Ayre announced that his foundation had donated GBP 10,000 to Oxfam which is based in the U.K. in order to aid their efforts in Haiti.   He has also challenged the rest of the online gaming industry to join together to help Haiti recover from the shattering earthquake by contributing to Oxfam’s Haiti relief efforts.   The largest donation made by a single person from the online gambling industry to Oxfam will be matched by Ayre’s private foundation, up to an amount of $1 million dollars.

In a recent press release, Ayre commented that he was dismayed and disgusted at the ruling elite of the poverty-stricken country who drove the country down while succeeding in filling their own pockets.  He added that the global online gaming community is obligated to assist the Haitians as it is the innocents who are paying the price for the elite thievery and the effects of the last hurricane and recent earthquake.

The Calvin Ayre Foundation is a private and independent foundation that was founded in 2005 and is chartered to do charitable work all over the world.  It has pledged hundreds of man hours and millions of dollars in order to help support those in need.