Sat, Mar

County Police Net 470,000 USD in Online Gambling Bust


Police gambling arrestThe U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations division recently led a probe which centered on payment processors that move funds between online gamblers.  This resulted in the Anne Arundel County Police Department receiving over $470,000 as part of the seizure of the money that was tied to the federal investigation into the illegal gambling.

The investigation resulted in more than $33 million being seized from gambling organizations that were using banks in Guam and Charlotte, NC.

County police are at present involved in 12 Federal tasks forces which include four with the Immigration and Customs Enforcements.  Three officers from the County police have been assigned to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations with Detective Scott Dunn being assigned as an undercover officer working exclusively with the money laundering task force.

County Executive John R. Leopold said “This type of activity exists in this county just like it does in other jurisdictions. Wherever we find it, we’re going to root it out.”

Online gambling sites were targeted as the Federal investigators felt that the proceeds from illegal gambling are very often used in order to fund other illegal activity and organized crime.   Internet gambling businesses are not allowed to operate in Maryland even if the website is based elsewhere.

The Police have revealed that the money will be used for equipment to assist them with undercover investigations, weapons and new vehicles.