Sat, Feb

Swiss Government to Lift Online Gambling Ban


Switzerland, after seeing how online gaming is growing in popularity, has announced that it intends to reverse their decision to outlaw online gambling. The Swiss Government feels that without monitoring the situation and without licensing they are losing out on tax benefits.

The Government is following France and Denmark by opening its boarders to international online gambling.  Online poker will soon be made available to all players.

Companies who wish to benefit after online gambling is legalized will have to apply for a limited amount of licenses. Applications will be thoroughly checked before any license is granted. Licenses that are granted will be taxed.

There are a few sections of gambling that will not automatically be legalized in Switzerland.   These are gambling over the telephone and gambling via television.

There are far fewer people interested in gambling in Switzerland compared to France and Denmark due to the country having far less citizens. However, despite this fact, the Swiss Government still anticipates that it can raise twenty two million dollars annually following the legislation.   Switzerland will therefore be raising far less tax through the legislation than their Scandinavian counterparts.

The Swiss Government has gained some experience due to the fact that online lotteries as well as internet sports betting has already been legalized in Switzerland.