Thu, Jan

UK Bingo Halls Enjoy Respite with New Govt. Measures


The UK Minister of Sports, Gerry Sutcliffe announced that he would be providing some relief for the country’s bingo halls who are struggling to boost revenues in a bid to stay open. The industry has been beset with financial problems due to double taxation laws, smoking bans and a cap that was set on the number of high-revenue slot machines.

Sutcliffe announced that as a one-off measure, he would allow bingo halls to increase the number of £500 slot machines from four to eight.

“Having listened carefully to the case put forward by bingo clubs, I am persuaded that a number of special circumstances apply to the bingo industry,” said Sutcliffe. “I’m confident that allowing a small increase in bingo clubs, where gaming machines are not the main reason for people to attend, will provide much needed help to struggling clubs without putting public protection at risk. I hope to implement these plans by the end of the year.”