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Who plays Bingo Online?


Bingo on laptop screenA room with many tables and retired people sitting attentively waiting for the numbers on their bingo cards to be called. This is what comes to most people’s mind when they hear bingo, or is it? Bingo online attracts many people from all over the world but they are not the stereotypical grandma trying to make the time pass in the bingo hall. In online bingo communities it is clear that the players are very different people and yet they seem to find each other just perfectly in the online bingo room!

Bingo Online

Bingo online is so much fun and super easy to get started with. Most countries have their own bingo portals which make it possible for players to play in their own language and currency. The games can be very varied but online you will often find bingo rooms which will offer all of the standard types of bingo and more. Even if the crowd in the bingo room comes from a tradition of 75 balls the online format makes it easy for them to try out 90 or 80 ball bingo without any risk involved. I free bingo games you don’t even have to make any bets to compete for the jackpot.

The Bingo Community

It is in the bingo community that you can see who plays bingo online and this is very interesting. In a big bingo room you will notice that the ages can be wide apart and both men and women enjoy playing. The chat moderators often stand as a role model for the type of people that like to play in the room but his is never a sure indication. There are plenty of bingo rooms where a chat moderator can be a 20 year old interested in video games and heavy metal music. He will administer chat games to people of the same category and women 50+ that prefer to listen to classical rocks.

Bingo and Food

It is hard to ignore that bingo players seem to like food. Many bingo rooms have forums where the players can get to know each other more deeply than in the chat. In the forum they can present themselves through a personalized page and a very strong trend is to share recipes in these pages. Everyone needs to eat and the best advice for dinner could very well come in the bingo room!

Bingo Adventures

Some like to go on the get together events that bingo rooms arrange. If an online bingo room is very small and local they make these special meet ups happen on a regular basis. The players can enjoy their favorite games in an exotic setting or meet up in the local park for some traditional bingo with balls and a live caller. Even in these events the players tend to come from all backgrounds and ages.

Bingo players online come from all backgrounds and ages but they do seem to share an interest of food!